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Jim Jordahl standing in front of the artwork BIOquilt in the Biorenewables Research Laboratory entryway

Jim Jordahl

  • Project Analyst
Jim Jordahl is a Project Analyst with the Bioeconomy Institute at Iowa State University. He provides project management, technical editing, partnership development and leadership support for the emerging carbon program area at Iowa State. 'Carbon' has become a useful shorthand or proxy for a wide range of related topics including de-carbonization, greenhouse gases, carbon market programs, soil carbon and others. He was the Co-Editor along with Dr. Lisa Schulte Moore on the transdisciplinary report "Carbon Science for Carbon Markets: Opportunities for Iowa".

Jim's background is in consulting on a wide variety of soil-water-ecosystem issues across the United States and in multiple other countries, including experience with biofuels and various carbon programs. He has extensive experience developing and managing transdisciplinary teams. with agricultural water quality (impacts of agriculture on water quality and impacts of impaired water quality on irrigated agriculture), and with the application of soil/plant-based treatment systems to address a wide range of organic and inorganic contaminants.

He is passionate about learning, teamwork, developing people and contributing to development of more ecologically sound systems for food, fiber and energy.

Contact Info

1140 Biorenewables Resear
617 Bissel Road


  • Ph.D. Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Iowa, 1997.
  • M.S., Agronomy & Soil Management, Iowa State University, 1992.