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  • The EPA (P3) Award Program seeks student teams proposing to research, develop, design, and demonstrate solutions to real world challenges.

  • This Topic Area [“T”] will identify and support disruptive concepts in energy-related technologies within small businesses, including collaborations with universities/national labs, and have potential for large-scale impact.

  • The advantages of autothermal operation of chemical reactors are outlined in a recent prospective article by Robert C. Brown, director of the Bioeconomy Institute (BEI), Anson Marston Distinguished Professor of Engineering and Gary and Donna Hoover Chair in Mechanical Engineering at Iowa State University. The article will appear in the Nov. 18, 2020 edition of Joule, which publishes research, analysis, and ideas addressing the need for sustainable energy.

  • At minimum, 1 PI and 2 Co-PIs will participate. Interdisciplinary research encouraged, particularly for E3P applications. At minimum, 1 tenure or tenure-track PI must hold a faculty appointment within a College of Engineering. Topics are as follows…

  • Jessica Brown, a Ph.D. student in mechanical engineering at Iowa State University, won first place in the graduate research poster competition at the TCS 2020 conference held virtually in October 2020. Her winning poster was titled: “A novel semi-batch autoclave to overcome thermal dwell time in solvent liquefaction experiments”. A cash prize of $400 came with the award. An Iowa State student won first place in the poster competitions at the 2014, 2016, and 2018 TCS bi-annual conferences as well.

  • Researchers at Iowa State University (ISU) and its partners will create a system that converts wastes generated by military expeditionary forces into food. The technology could vastly improve military logistics and may have wider application to produce food and reduce plastic wastes.

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded a Phase I cooperative agreement for $2.7 million that could entail up to $7.8 million over the course of the project. Partners include the University of Delaware, Sandia National Laboratories, and the American Institute of Chemical Engineering (AIChE)/RAPID Institute.

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